The answer is “yes” if the hardwood floor is a Bruce Lock & Fold hardwood floor. There are several key factors that separate the Bruce Lock & Fold hardwood installation method from others. The ease of installation, fewer costs associated with the installation, and a stunning visual are all reasons why this may be the perfect option for your next home renovation.
First, allow me to delve into the Lock & Fold installation method. There are three basic ways of installing hardwood floors. The first is to fasten the material down. This is normally done with nails or staples. The second method is a full spread glue-down. This involves using a trowel and a tub of adhesive. Finally, you have a “floating” method. This is the method for our Lock & Fold installation. Our Lock & Fold method acts like a puzzle. Each piece locks into the pieces surrounding it. Therefore, there is no need to use any staples or adhesives.
To get started, roll out an underlayment pad over your subfloor. Once this is done, you can begin installing your hardwood floor piece by piece. It really is that easy. Since the Bruce Lock & Fold floors “float,” the floor sits on top of the pad, rather than being adhered or fastened down. The versatility of this installation method also allows it to be installed directly over various existing floors. For further details on how to install hardwood floors like Bruce Lock & Fold hardwood floors, visit Armstrong’s DIY Center.
Installing our Lock & Fold floors means you can also save money because there is less overall cost associated with a floating floor installation. There is no need to spend money on glue and you don’t have the hassle of buying or renting a fastening machine. Another aspect of the ease of the Lock & Fold installation system is that it is a popular choice for a “do-it-yourselfer.” While hiring a professional to install your floor is always an option, many homeowners choose to cut costs by doing the work themselves. Do you think you’re up to the task? Take our DIY flooring skill assessment and find out if this product is the right product for you to tackle yourself.
You should know that although this installation method may be similar to how some laminate products are installed, this product is real hardwood. It is an engineered hardwood, meaning it consists of multiple plies of wood adhered together to form one piece. The material and construction of this product is not the same as a laminate.
Remember the scene from “He’s Just Not That Into You” when Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Connelly are standing in the aisle of a home center and debating over whether to purchase hardwood or laminate? With the purchase of a Bruce Lock & Fold floor, you can avoid this debate entirely. Rest assured that you will be getting a beautiful hardwood floor with an easy installation, while saving costs all at the same time.
Yes, it really is that easy.
via Is Installing a Hardwood Floor Really That Easy? – The Floor Board Blog The Floor Board Blog.
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